Monday, October 10, 2011

Soap box

Watching the confusion unfold in the past few days through our out-of-order general assemblies and a very suspicious mass-texting service (no one who I've talked to knows who created it) makes my head spin.

We dont have time for this. We ended yesterday's assembly with hardly the numbers we began with.

It doesnt matter if those causing confusion are the big-business plants or the criminally insane; it shouldn't matter whether they have the time to say it, it should matter whether we have the time to listen to it.

Instead of going down a list of speakers in the stacks of a general assembly we have the technology to socially multitask conversations in an online forum. We dont have to put up with the bullshit in general assembly: disorderly speakers or passing sirens. With multiple ongoing conversations in an online forum we can speed up the entire process of peaceful general assembly by orders of magnitude.

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